Your Home Is Your Safe Haven. Let Us Help You Protect It.

You value your home too much to not have the right coverage. Your local agent can help you select the best policy for your home.

Buckeye Home Coverages

Dwelling coverage guards the structure of your home. When determining the coverage limit for your home, consider the difference between replacement cost and market value. These two values are often different, and knowing how they differ is important when choosing your coverage.

The housing market and your geographic location affect what you pay for your home at market value. The actual amount to replace your home is the replacement cost. If a weather event or unforeseen incident were to occur, insuring your home to replacement cost gives you peace of mind that the home you have can be replaced.

Insuring your home for less than replacement cost will not ultimately save money if you don’t have enough insurance to replace your home. Opt for certainty and make sure that the home you’ve invested in is covered correctly.

Not certain how to assess the structural value of your home? One of our local agents can help you determine the coverage you need!

Related Private Structures

Structures that are on your property and detached from your dwelling, like a detached garage or shed, would fall under this coverage. Would you want coverage for these structures? Permanently installed outdoor fixtures should be considered when selecting a coverage limit that meets your needs.

As storms and other unforeseen events can affect these structures, look around your property to assess what needs to be considered for proper coverage.

Personal Property

When you look around your home, much of what you can see would classify as personal property. As your personal belongings are valuable to you, wouldn’t you want them to be covered for damage or theft? In evaluating what coverage limit is right for you, and to fully understand the parameters of your personal property coverage, reach out to one of our local agents!

Additional Coverage Options

Many optional coverages can be added to enhance your Buckeye Insurance Group home policy. Information on some of these coverages can be found below.